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Geography and Environment


What does a region’s geography and environment tell us?

Assessing a region’s geography and environment helps to identify potential activities that may be suited to the region that may not have been previously considered.

What opportunities does Blayney’s geography and environment present?

Elevation: 863 m
Blayney Shire consists of approximately 1,600 square kilometres (620 sq mi) of well watered, gently undulating to hilly country and the climate is partially suitable for cool climate crops and trees.

Clearly the local climate makes the region a good base for such agricultural industries and those businesses which service this sector. Organic agriculture and alternative fruit crops such as hazelnuts, figs and feijoas are currently being evaluated as alternative crops for the tablelands and to provide a source of varietal propagation material by the Bathurst Primary Industries Centre which could present opportunities for diversification within the region.

Blayney’s elevation also make the region suitable for the development of wind farms as illustrated by the Blayney Wind Farm, launched in 2000, which is the largest of its type in Australia. 
Blayney’s cool climate presents opportunities for sectors such as cold storage as illustrated by Sealink’s cold storage operations and the development of boutique wineries.





Last modified: 30 Sep 2014