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Further Investment Information

  • Age of Residents - Blayney’s age distribution is comparatively young with 22.2% of residents aged between 0-14 years compared to 18.9% in NSW. The average age at 38.7 years is on a par with NSW’s average of 38.1 years. This is supported by the region’s family composition which is dominated by couples with dependent children.
  • Average Rents and Gross Rental Yield - Changes in Median Weekly Rents give an indication of how the local rental market is performing in terms of investment opportunities. Rising rents can result in greater returns for investors as people compete for limited stock whilst decreasing rents can indicate a slow down in the rental market and perhaps an over-supply of rental properties.
  • Average Weekly Income - Average weekly income levels vary significantly between industry sectors. Those sectors offering higher salaries tend to result in more disposable income for workers.
  • Business Count Data - Business Count data from the Australian Business Register helps to develop a deeper understanding of the make-up of a local economy. It helps to identify and highlight the importance of certain sectors such as sole traders and small businesses.
  • Emerging Sectors - Emerging sectors help to identify potential opportunities for industry development and diversification in the future. By identifying emerging sectors it is possible to help influence and create a suitable environment to help such sectors grow within a region.
  • Gaps in Provision of Facilities and Services - This data helps to identify potential opportunities in the provision of such services, facilities and businesses within a region.
  • Geography and Environment - Assessing a region’s geography and environment helps to identify potential activities that may be suited to the region that may not have been previously considered.
  • Household Composition - Household composition helps to identify potential markets for opportunities in facilities and services and other business sectors.
  • Industry Gross Regional Product Contribution - Industry GRP Contribution identifies the value of final goods and services produced in the local economy and provides an insight into the size of the economy and the key industries that are creating value in the region. Industry GRP also highlights any reliance and dominance of particular sectors within a region.
  • Journey to Work - Journey to Work data identi!es where a region’s resident workforce travels to for work and in what industries they work in.
  • Land Availability - The availability of appropriate land is important to enable a region to grow and meet its current and future business/residential needs.
  • Local Investment & Development Trends - By assessing local and neighbouring investment trends it is possible to identify potential opportunities that may "ow-on from this activity. This not only includes job opportunities but also the establishment of businesses servicing and complimenting these major developments.
  • Location Quotient Data - The Department of State and Regional Development has indicated government support may be available towards infrastructure cost (e.g. the supply of electricity). Commercial premises There are commercial premises currently available within the Blayney township presenting opportunities for business owners to help address gaps in retail provision for example.
  • Resident Workforce by Industry & Occupation - This data helps identify local workforce skills and the potential for skills development to not only provide new job opportunities for residents but also identify opportunities for the expansion of local businesses and the relocation of new businesses.
  • SEIFA Data - The Socio-Economic Indices for Areas (SEIFA) Index is published by the ABS. The SEIFA index takes into account and summarises high values (advantages) and low values (disadvantages) taken from Census variables such as households with low income (disadvantage) and people with a tertiary education (advantage).
  • Workforce Participation Rates - Workforce Participation Rates are based upon the resident population over the age of 15 years who are either employed or are actively looking for work. The number of people who are no longer actively searching for work would not be included in the participation rate.
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