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Access to Council Information

Council information available

Council has an abundance of information available for public access including public registers, plans and strategies, business papers, policies and procedures, and reports. Council information not on its website may also be accessible by lodgement of an application. 

Council’s Guide to Council Information (Agency Information Guide) provides an outline of information available.

Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009

Council publishes a range of information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) with a commitment to providing as much information as possible, for free or at the lowest possible cost. It is our intent to make information easily accessible to the public.

Open Access Information

Mandatory release information (‘Open Access Information’) is published on Council website unless to do so would impose an unreasonable additional cost on Council and/or there is an overriding public interest against doing so.

Available Online

Pursuant to Section 18 of the GIPA Act (Mandatory or Proactive Release), Council has the following government information available free of charge, in addition to Council's policies and procedures, businesses papers (includes investment register in Corporate Services Report), fees and charges and strategic plans.

In accordance with Section 27 of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA), Council is required to maintain a register that records information about each government contract which has (or is likely to have) a value of $150,000 or more. This requirement however, does not apply t ...

The Election Funding and Disclosures Act, 1981, requires copies of political donations and electoral expenditure disclosure declarations by Councillors to be furnished to the NSW Electoral Commission ...

Register of Annual Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests and Designated Persons Returns
Blayney Shire Council is committed to fair dealing and high standards of ethical behaviour in the care, control and management of the Blayney Shire. The community places its trust in Councillors, Council staff and Council delegates to ensure that they serve it faithfully and honestly when managing resources on its behalf.
The community is entitled to expect that the business of Council will be conducted with efficiency, impartiality and integrity in accordance with the principle that the public will always have absolute priority over private interests.
Councillors, staff and delegates are required to observe the highest standards of honesty and loyalty to the Council and avoid any form of conduct that would bring Council, Councillors, staff or Council delegates into disrepute.
The Local Government Act 1993 requires every Council to adopt a Code of Conduct that incorporates the provisions of The Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW. The Office of Local Government released a Model Code of Conduct framework which includes:
  • Model Code of Conduct
  • Procedures for the Administration of the Model Code of Conduct.
Under Council’s Code of Conduct Councillors and designated staff must submit a disclosure of pecuniary interests return each year. 

The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2009 and Information Privacy Commissioner Guidelines, states that information in the returns is open access but subject to the public interest test. Council has determined that there was an overriding public interest against disclosure of certain personal information contained in the Returns published online and specific information has been redacted to exclude signatures, personal addresses, personal information and to protect the interests of Councillors and Designated Persons.

Register of Planning Decisions
The Local Government Act requires Council to maintain a register that records which Councillors vote for and which Councillors vote against each planning decision of the Council. Planning matters are matters that relate to a development application, an environmental planning instrument, a development control plan or a development contribution plan. A planning decision is a resolution of the Council or a committee of Council that determines a matter, ie approves or refuses a development application or adopts or refuses to adopt a planning instrument or amendment to a planning instrument.

Available by Request

The following information is not readily available online, but can be requested by email or in person.
- Register of graffiti removal work kept in accordance with section 13 of the Graffiti Control Act 2008
- Register of voting on planning matters kept in accordance with section 375A of the LGA
- Gift Register
- Pecuniary Interest Register
- Disclosures of Interest by Councillors & Designated Persons Return
- Information concerning approvals, orders and other documents.

Information About Development Applications

To access development applications and associated documents (for applications and decisions made on or after 1 July 2010) complete a Request to Access Development Application Information Form, available below.

Obtaining Property Owner Information

We only release property owner details if they are a business or corporation. In compliance with privacy laws, we do not release individual ownership details. You can apply for individual property ownership information from NSW Land Registry Services.

Dividing Fences

A dividing fence is a structure that separates neighbouring properties (usually on the common boundary between the two properties). If you want to build, fix or replace a dividing fence, you will need to talk to the owner of the property. Because of the Privacy Act, Council is not at liberty to disclose neighbouring property owner details without their consent. To contact a neighbour about a dividing fence Council can forward a letter to them on your behalf. To request Council to forward a letter in relation to a dividing fence matter complete an Informal Access Request Form.

For further information about Dividing Fences see Council’s Fence Fact Sheet and/or visit the LawAccess NSW website

Proactive Release of Information

Council proactively releases information in accordance to Section 7 of the GIPA Act. We aim to provide as much information as possible on our website (lest there is an overriding public interest against disclosure) as a means to improve service delivery, increase community participation and raise community awareness of our strategic intentions.

Formal Release of Information

The release of information that is not made available by either mandatory (open access), proactive or informal release may by made available by way of a Formal Access Application.
A standard application fee of $30 applies. Council may impose a processing charge of $30 per hour plus photocopying charges for dealing with your application. Applications will generally be dealt with within 20 working days. Applications requiring third party consultations may take an additional 14 days to finalise.

If you are dissatisfied with the decision you can request a review by lodging a Review of Decision Form within 20 working days after the decision was given to you.

Access to Information Forms

Complete one of the below forms depending on the nature of your request and send to:
General Manager
Blayney Shire Council
PO Box 62
Further enquiries may be directed to:
Phone: (02) 6368 2104
e-mail: council@blayney.nsw.gov.au

To Contact the IPC:
Go to the website at http://www.ipc.nsw.gov.au
Email an enquiry to ipcinfo@ipc.nsw.gov.au
Mail an enquiry: GPO Box 7011, Sydney NSW 2001
Call 1800 472 679 between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

Last modified: 11 Feb 2025