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Public Participation

Members of the public have a number of opportunities to put forward their views on particular issues before Council.

Address Council

With prior notification and arrangement with the General Manager or the Mayor, a member of the public can address a Council meeting personally, on behalf of a group of residents or on any issue to be considered by Council.  A Public Forum Speakers Request Form is available for downloading.  Applicants, should apply in writing by 4.30pm, on the day of the meeting.  For further details please contact Council at council@blayney.nsw.gov.au or call on (02) 6368 2104.

A person can speak for a maximum period of five (5) minutes on a topic where there is a direct link between the applicant and the substance of the agenda item.  More time may be provided to a speaker at the discretion of the chair. Public Access cannot be used to request reports from the Mayor, Councillors or staff, nor be used to address matters in the Minutes of an earlier meeting or matters already dealt with at the meeting.  Persons speaking may use appropriate materials or documents to support their position, but may not table documents to be actioned.

Meet the Public

Members of the public are able to raise issues, that are not included on the business paper, with Council at its Ordinary Meeting each month, generally at 6pm.

Written Submissions

Members of the public are invited, through advertisements in local papers or in specific situations by correspondence to individual landowners, to lodge written submissions in relation to certain issues, e.g. development applications, strategic plans, policies, etc.

Elected Members

Members of the public can contact their elected members of Council to discuss any issue relevant to Council.

Delivery Program and Operational Plan

Each year members of the public are invited to submit comments in relation to Council's draft four year Delivery Program and annual Operational Plan.

Related Links:

Business Papers and Minutes
Council Publications


Last modified: 01 Jul 2022