Wastewater Management
In this section
Sewer Blockages
Septic Systems
Liquid Trade Waste
Smoke Testing
Strategic Sewer Business Plan
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP)
The Blayney Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is located on the south eastern outskirts of town on the north side of Hobby Yards Road. The original works, constructed in 1966, consisted of a Biological filter (Trickling filter) with a capacity of 2100 E.P., this was replaced by an Intermittently Decanted Extended Aeration (IDEA) activated sludge treatment plant with a design capacity of 7000 E.P. in 1989. The STP fully treats all predicted inflows and currently has excess capacity based on the future design load.
The STP and effluent management system consists of the following:
- A balance tank which restricts flow to the plant to 80 L/sec and includes a mechanical step screen and storm overflow weir and a flow divider (storm flow bypass leading to effluent ponds)
- A deodorization bed chamber (to address odour problems that may arise due to septic Milthorpe sewage)
- An intermittently decanted extended aeration (IDEA) reactor of 7,000 EP
- Alum dosing and storing facilities
- A catch pond
- Four sludge lagoons
- Sludge drying beds
- An under-drainage pumping station
- Effluent ponds
- Effluent pumping station and chlorination facility that transfers effluent to the Cadia Mine Ore concentration plant
- Constructed wetlands
- River discharge main from wetland to the Belubula River
- An amenities building and a laboratory
The Blayney sewer system services the town of Blayney, including the industrial estate and the village of Millthorpe.
The delivery system includes:
- 53 Km gravity mains
- 23 Km rising mains and
- 7 pump stations
Blayney Sewage Treatment Works
The Blayney Sewage Treatment Works is licenced by the EPA. The licence number is 1648. For more information about licences, refer to the EPA website.
The Blayney Sewage Treatment Works has three discharge points:
- Point 1 is for the monitoring of effluent discharged to the Belubula River
- Point 2 is for the monitoring of effluent discharged from the tertiary ponds to waters (wetlands)
- Point 3 is for the monitoring of effluent recycled to Cadia Valley Operations
A layout plan of the treatment works identifies the key facilities and licensing points.
Council has an agreement with Newcrest (Cadia Valley Operations) to supply treated effluent to the Cadia mine site via pipeline. As a result of this agreement Points 1 and 2 are expected to have little or no discharge, and in accordance with the license, require sampling when discharging.
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Sewer Blockages
Blayney and Millthorpe properties are connected directly to Council's sewer mains and it's important to understand the responsibilities you have as a property owner for your sewer system.
As a property owner, it is your responsibility to; ensure access is available to any sewer inspection point within your property, to maintain all the pipes within the property through to the point of connection of our sewer network and prevent stormwater from entering the sewer system.
Blayney Shire Council is responsible for maintaining the network of sewer pipes that transports the wastewater from your property to our pump stations and subsequently to our treatment plant. You have a responsibility to maintain the internal pipelines within your property.
In case of a sewer blockage (overflow) on your property, call Blayney Shire to clear any blockage or investigate the raised issue.

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Septic Systems
The easy septic guide is a useful guide for all residents that live outside of Council’s sewer system.
The guide provides tips, tricks and explanations to ensure that property owners know how to maintain and care for their on-site waste management system.
A poorly managed on-site waste management system can have negative effects on both environmental and human health.
Easy Septic Guide
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Liquid Trade Waste
Blayney Shire Council has a number of statutory responsibilities for the approval of liquid trade waste to be discharged to the sewerage system under the Local Government Act 1993. Council obligations include risk management, cost recovery, approvals, monitoring and ensuring licence conditions of the Sewerage Treatment Plant are met. Council has developed a Policy for Discharge of Liquid Trade Waste to the Sewerage System which outlines requirements and procedures for the management of liquid trade waste.
Council's management of liquid trade waste is overseen by the NSW Office of Water (NOW, formerly Dept. of Water and Energy - DWE) in accordance with the Liquid Trade Waste Management Guidelines and Best Practice Management of Water Supply and Sewerage Guidelines.
What is liquid trade waste?
Liquid trade waste means all liquid waste other than sewage of a domestic nature. Activities producing liquid trade waste include, but are not limited to:
- Businesses/commercial premises (e.g. beautician, hairdresser, motel, café, butcher, service station, dentist);
- Industrial premises;
- Community/public premises (e.g. school, college, hospital, craft clubs);
- Trade activities (e.g. mobile carpet cleaners);
- Saleyards, racecourses, stables and kennels not associated with households; and
Any commercial activity carried out at a residential premises.
Sewer systems are generally designed to cater for domestic waste and liquid trade waste may exert greater demands on sewer. Management of liquid trade waste is required to:
- Protect community assets, e.g. sewer mains, pumping stations and sewerage treatment facilities from damage by trade waste;
- Protect the environment - some substances, such as metals or pesticides may pass through the treatment facility unchanged and accumulate in the environment. Other substances may adversely affect the biological processes and the quality of the treated effluent and biosolids;
- Protect public and worker health and safety - people working in and around the sewerage system can be harmed if toxic substances are discharged into the sewer.
Pricing for Sewer and Wastewater (Liquid Trade Waste)
The pricing for Non Residential Sewer consumers comprises of an Access Charge based on the water meter size used on the property and a Usage charge which is based on water consumption and is reduced proportionally by the applicable discharge factor for the Non-residential customer. These charges can be located in the Revenue Policy of Council’s Operational Plan. An example can be found in the attached Pricing Information Sheet.
Why is liquid trade waste a problem?
The Blayney Shire (Blayney and Millthorpe) sewerage system was designed for domestic sewage. By contrast, trade waste is generated by businesses or commercial activities and may be quite different to domestic sewage in terms of:
- Corrosiveness
- pH
- Temperature
- Presence of fats and oils
- Presence of oil and grease
A person wishing to discharge liquid trade waste to sewer must obtain Council's approval as per Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993. This applies to new trade waste dischargers, those whose approval has expired, or where there is a change to operations. In order to assist business, Council is happy to accept some liquid trade waste, subject to conditions.
- Firstly, the liquid trade waste generating business must obtain Approval to discharge trade waste to the sewerage system. The discharge of trade waste to sewers without this Approval is an offence under the Local Government Act.
- The Approval usually specifies a pre-treatment device to improve the quality to a level where it can be accepted into the system and treated at the sewerage treatment plant together with all the domestic sewage. One example of a pre-treatment device could be a grease trap in the case of a commercial kitchen to remove fats that would otherwise solidify in the sewers.
- The Approval specifies the frequency the pre-treatment device(s) is to be serviced. If not serviced regularly, pre-treatment devices fail to actually pre-treat the trade waste.
- Sometimes the trade waste, because of its nature/composition cannot be accepted in the sewerage system no matter what pre-treatment is proposed. An example of this would be flammable fuels, which would create an explosive atmosphere in sewerage pipes, or radioactive wastes.
How Do I Get Approval?
To gain approval from Council to discharge liquid trade waste, a Liquid Trade Waste Application must be lodged. An application form can be completed by either the property owner(s) or the tenant(s). Where the tenant(s) apply for approval they must have written consent from the owner(s).
To determine the classification refer to the 'Business Type'
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Smoke Testing
What is Smoke Testing?
Smoke testing uses a non-toxic artificially created odourless smoke/mist that is directed under pressure into the sewer system at either a manhole, boundary trap or surcharge gully to visually observe where smoke is escaping through a crack/break or illegally connected point, such as roof water or other stormwater drain.
Why do smoke testing?
By identifying, and repairing illegal or damaged connections, the volume of waste being delivered to Council's Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) can be reduced. This reduces the level of chemicals Council needs to treat effluent, and can have dramatic results on the amount of electricity consumed in pumping and treatment processes. By responsible management including energy saving, the impact upon the community through increased sewer charges can be minimised.
What will happen when smoke testing is undertaken?
Contractors will advise residents of the planned works, prior to commencement of work on site.
After the mist is directed into the sewer system, Council contractors shall visually check the area for smoke plumes, and record any identified.
A defect sheet shall be raised, and a defect notice issued to the property owner, identifying the nature and location of the defect.
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Strategic Sewer Business Plan
Council at its meeting held February 9, 2015 adopted the Strategic Business Plan for Sewerage Services. The Strategic Sewer Business Plan for Sewerage Services demonstrates best practice management which encourages the effective and efficient delivery of sewerage services.
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Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP)
Council has developed a Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP) and Pollution Incident Responses Management Plan Drawings that will guide Council's response in the event of any pollution incidents that may occur at the Blayney Sewage Treatment Works.
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Last modified:
17 Dec 2024