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Public Health

Skin Penetration and Hairdressing

Beauty parlors and skin penetration businesses are regulated under the Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulation 2012.
These industries include:
• Needle therapy / Dry needling
• Beauty treatments
• Body, nose and ear piercing
• Cosmetic enhancements
• Microdermabrasion
• Colonic lavage
• Tattooing
• Waxing
• Laser
• Electrolysis

Hairdressing and other body decorating and grooming practices which do not pierce the skin are regulated under the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government General Regulation 2005. These industries include:
• Hairdressers
• Barber shops

All beauty therapist, skin penetration and hairdresser premises, that operate within the Local Government Area are required to be registered with Council.

Notification of Skin Penetration Premises Application Form

Regulated Systems

Regulated systems include cooling towers and warm water systems. These systems have the potential to spread legionnaires disease and therefore are regulated under the Public Health Act 2010. Further information on regulated systems and legionnaires disease can be found on the NSW Public Health website.

Application for Registration Microbial Control

Last modified: 24 Sep 2021