Dangerous, menacing, restricted, nuisance dogs
Dangerous Dogs
A dog is "dangerous" if it has,
- without provocation attacked or killed a person or animal
- repeatedly threatened to attack a person or animal
- repeatedly chased a person or animal.
- was declared dangerous by another local government
A dog may also be declared "dangerous" if it has displayed unreasonable aggression towards a person or animal. i.e. growling, chasing, rushing
"Dangerous Dogs" in NSW are dogs that are the subject of a declaration made by a council or a court under the Act.
Council must have given notice to the owner of a dog of the council's intention to declare the dog to be dangerous.
Menacing Dogs
Your dog may be declared menacing if it:
- without provocation has bitten or attacked a person or animal
- was trained or kept as a guard dog
Restricted dogs
In NSW, a restricted dog is one of the following:
- American Pitbull terrier or Pitbull terrier
- Japanese tosa
- dogo Argentino (Argentinean fighting dog)
- fila Brasiliero (Brazilian fighting dog)
- Any other dog of a breed, kind or description, whose importation into Australia is prohibited by, or under, the Customs Act 1901 of the Commonwealth (Perro de Presa Canario or Presa Canario)
- Any dog declared by an authorised officer of a council, under division 6 of the Companion Animals Act 1998, to be a restricted dog.
Nuisance Dogs
Under the Companion Animals Act 1998 a dog is a nuisance dog if it:
- consistently roams; or
- makes persistent, excessive noise; or
- repeatedly defecates on private property other than the property on which it is ordinarily kept; or
- runs at or chases a person, animal (other than vermin or in the course of droving, tending, working or protecting livestock) or vehicle; or
- endangers the health of a person or animal (other than vermin or in the course of droving, tending, working or protecting livestock); or
- repeatedly causes substantial damage to anything outside the property on which it is ordinarily kept
More information
For more information or to report an incident or dagnerous menacing/nuisance dog, phone Council on 02 6368 2104 or write into Council via email - council@blayney.nsw.gov.au or in writing to PO Box 62 Blayney NSW 2799
For enclosure requirements and guidelines for keeping a dangerous, menacing or restricted dog you can visit www.legislation.nsw.gov.au
Last modified:
20 Aug 2021