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Watch a Council Meeting

Usage Terms and Disclaimer

Blayney Shire Council has introduced a live stream function for Council Meetings via our YouTube channel from October 2019.  Meetings will also be recorded and be available to be viewed after the meeting.
Live streaming allows members of the public to view proceedings via the Internet without the need to attend Council meetings.  The objective of this service is to eliminate geographic and other access barriers for the community wishing to learn more about Council’s decision making processes.

Whilst Council will make every effort to ensure that live streaming is available, it takes no responsibility for, and cannot be held liable for technical issues beyond its control.  Technical issues may include, but are not limited to the availability or quality of the internet connection, device failure or malfunction, unavailability of YouTube or power outages.

Live streams and archived recordings are a free public service and are not an official record of Council meetings.  Recordings will be made of all Council meetings (excluding confidential items) and published to YouTube the day after the meeting.  For a copy of the official public record, please refer to Council’s Business Papers and Minutes page.

Council does not accept any responsibility for any verbal comments made during Council meetings which may be inaccurate, incorrect, defamatory, or contrary to law and does not warrant nor represent that the material or statements made during the streamed meetings are complete, reliable, accurate or free from error.

Live streaming is primarily set up to capture the proceedings of the Council meeting and members of the public attending a Council meeting need to be aware they may be recorded as part of the proceedings.


Council Meeting Live Stream

Last modified: 18 Dec 2024