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Understanding Heritage

In this section:

Local Heritage
State Heritage
Preserving Aboriginal Cultural Heritage On Your Property
Heritage Advisor Program
Heritage Exemption
Local Heritage Fund

Local Heritage 

Between 2008 and 2010, Council collaborated with David Scobie Architects to prepare the Community Based Heritage Study which was adopted by Council in 2011. 

The Study aimed to identify, assess and recommend places for inclusion on the schedule of places of local heritage significance within the Blayney Local Environmental Plan 2012 (BLEP2012) (under Schedule 5 Environmental Heritage) and to make recommendations for the ongoing management and protection of these places.

LEP 2012 identified approximately 350 heritage items throughout the Blayney Local Government Area, which included the heritage items listed under Blayney Local Environmental Plan 1998, and new items identified in the 2011 Study.  The LEP also proposed new Heritage Conservation Areas for the town of Blayney and village of Newbridge as well as minor changes/clarification to the boundaries of the existing Heritage Conservation Areas for Millthorpe and Carcoar.

As the owner of a heritage property (or looking to purchase a heritage property) you are a custodian of an important part of Blayney Shire's history. It does not mean however that you cannot make changes to property. Particularly with buildings, it is recognised that they evolve over time, reflecting changing architectural styles and the changing needs of the various occupiers. 

To ensure these identified places are managed and protected appropriately, the identified items are placed on a statutory heritage list.  Listing our special places on statutory heritage registers provides a legal framework for managing the approval of major changes so that heritage significance is retained and not diminished. 

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State Listed Heritage Items

Some places may have exceptional heritage significance which is considered state significant. If this is case, the place is managed under the Heritage Act 1977 and listed on the State Heritage Register. NSW Heritage administers the Heritage Act and is the Consent Authority for development relating to State Listed Items. 

There is a still a need for approval under the EP and A Act when development occurs, the two Acts simply work in parallel to each other. Development affecting a state listed item (unless an exemption under the Heritage Act is issued) will be treated as nominated integrated development.

At a local level, the types of heritage listing that might affect a place include listing as a heritage item or being located in a conservation area. Properties in the vicinity of a heritage item or a conservation area will also be affected to a lesser extent by heritage listing as Council considers the impact of development in the vicinity of a heritage item and conservation area.

However, what is important when proposing changes to an identified item of heritage is to ensure that any work does not affect the identified heritage significance of the item or any adjoining such properties.  Council officers can provide advice on what is significant about your property and can also provide helpful advice from the heritage advisor.

To find out whether you property is a Heritage Item or within a Heritage Conservation Area visit NSW Spatial Viewer and put in the address and print your property report.

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Preserving Aboriginal Cultural Heritage On Your Property

To help preserve Aboriginal cultural heritage on your property it is recommended to assess the site prior to any development or change of land use. Through a simple assessment process you can determine whether the planned development or land use is likely to damage or destroy any items of importance before the development or change begins.

In NSW, the protection and preservation of Aboriginal objects and places falls within the National Parks and Wildlife Act (NSW) 1974. The NSW Act 1974 is administered by the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH). They are responsible for protecting and managing items of Aboriginal cultural heritage in NSW.

Sites are recorded on the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS). This database contains information about Aboriginal objects and places that have been registered within New South Wales.

Local Aboriginal Land Councils consist of members of the local Aboriginal community. They can give advice and provide contacts and often have traditional knowledge regarding the local area and resource use. To contact our local office go to https://www.olalc.com.au/

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Heritage Advisor Program

In conjunction with the Heritage Council of NSW, Council have established a free heritage advisory service.  Council’s Heritage Advisor is available to provide advice on matters such as: 
  • Pre-DA advice on heritage items and sites within a conservation area (or adjacent to a heritage item or conservation area);
  • General advice on development constraints due to a heritage listing;
  • Advice on appropriate maintenance of heritage items. 

Council’s Heritage Advisor is by appointment only and is generally the third Monday of the month.

Please note that the Heritage Advisor is not designed to replace heritage consultants who provide detailed design advice or specific restoration advice to property owners, and owners should consult heritage professionals where necessary. 

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Heritage Exemption

Maintenance or minor works that do not have an impact on the significance of a heritage item or conservation area may be granted an exemption, subject to an assessment by Council's Town Planners.

Exemptions will not be issued for:
  • Demolition
  • Erecting a building
  • Change of use

Applications cannot be made for works already started or completed. Your application must be assessed and approved in writing before you can proceed with any proposed works.

To apply for an exemption fill out this application form. 

Local Heritage Assistance Fund

Council in conjunction with the Heritage Council of NSW have established a free heritage advisory service. These two bodies have also established the Local Heritage Assistance Fund (LHAF). The aim of the LHAF is to assist with funding the restoration of heritage items within the Shire. 

The services are available to residents, property owners and occupiers within the Shire of Blayney. A heritage advisor has been appointed by Council to assist the public on all heritage matters, maintenance and alterations/additions.

Please contact Council for more information about the Local Heritage Assistance Fund. Applications usually reopen in late June/July of each financial year.

How to use these services?

You should consult with Council’s Heritage Advisor if you are intending on making alterations or additions to your property if it is heritage listed; located in a heritage conservation area or if it is in close proximity of a heritage listed property. This may save you time and money, and result in a better outcome.

There is also an opportunity to apply for heritage funding in some circumstances, such as;

  • Painting the outside of a building
  • Replacing or repairing a verandah
  • Replacing or repairing fence

Apply for Blayney Shire Council Local Heritage Assistance Fund 2024-2025 

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Last modified: 09 Jul 2024