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Mayoral Comment-2-325x130


For 2020/21 Council programs, whilst ambitious remain responsible with a reasonable operational surplus forecast of $847k before capital grants and contributions. 

Council has adopted the full rate peg increase of 2.6% as recommended and set by IPART. Much of our farming land has been impacted by the NSW Valuer General revaluations conducted in 2019, which come into effect in 2020/21. Council has smoothed the potential increases to provide more equity across the Shire, by increasing the farmland category base rate to $550.

Residential Rates will also be shared more equitably across the shire, by setting all base rate amounts to $333.

The averages for the Residential sub-categories will range from $678.44 to 700.49 for 2020/21. The 2019/20 year comparison range was $661.95 to $680.71.

Council has also made some structural changes to Business rates to ease the impact of some significant swings in land valuations. The base rate has been set at $433 to equitably share the rate burden. Averages range from $1,048.77 to $1,280.91 for 2020/21.

The 2019/20 comparison range was $986.16 to $1245.80. The mining rate category continues to contribute a substantial amount to Council’s rate base and represents 49.8% of rate income. Council is cognisant of the risk of being too reliant on this income, and therefore have directed a large proportion of this revenue towards funding capital projects.

Domestic Waste annual charges are proposed to decrease from $380 to $340. No changes have been proposed to the Commercial Waste Annual Charge. A $6 increase to the Waste Management Levy to $30 will continue to equitably distribute the operational costs associated with the Blayney Waste Facility to all residents who have access to the facility, not just those with a domestic or non-domestic waste service.

Council has forecast that it will receive $2.82m of untied grant monies from the Financial Assistance Grant in the 2020/21 financial year based on a 2.5% increase from the prior year.
Council continues to deliver some major capital works with works proposed for Carcoar Street, Blayney totalling $1.1m funded from General Revenue.

Other capital works expenditure includes replacement of the flood damaged bridge over Limestone Creek on Boondaroo Road $500K; an upgrade to Frape Street stormwater drainage $500k and a further $1.27m to fund heavy patching, gravel resheeting and reseal works throughout the shire.

Council’s 2020/21 footpath program will see $536k spent on network renewals and new footpaths across the shire, including improved access at Millthorpe railway underpass and Victoria Street Millthorpe , Stage 1 of works along Plumb Street Blayney, an extension along Eulamore Street Carcoar to connect to Uralba Village and Crouch Street Neville.

The Major and Minor Plant replacement program continues with replacements of $1.17m scheduled to take place in the 2020/21 year.

Council’s operational expenditure for the 2020/21 Financial Year includes provision of a 3.0% increase to wages inclusive of the 2.5% State Award increase and a further 0.5% progression based increase on Award entitlement where applicable. Our financial sustainability and capacity to deliver services efficiently and effectively are testament to our staff who are committed to the community aspirations to improving the amenity and liveability of our town and villages.

To download the full 2020/21-2023/24 Delivery Program and 2020/21 Operational Plan please click here


Last modified: 01 Jul 2024