Local and Regional Planning Strategies
In this section:
- Blayney Shire Settlement Strategy
- Development Control Plan
- Blayney Local Environmental Plan 2012 (BLEP2012)
- Community Participation Plan
- Local Strategic Planning Statement
- Sub-Regional Rural and Industrial Land Use Strategy
- Blayney Shire Master Plan 2020
- North Blayney Industrial Lands Strategy
- Regional Economic Development Strategy
- Blayney Floodplain Risk Management Study (2016)
Blayney Shire Settlement Strategy 2020
The purpose of the Blayney Shire Settlement Strategy (the ‘Strategy’) is to identify sufficient land to meet the short and medium-term housing needs generated by the changing demographic profile and population growth of the Blayney Shire, particularly within Blayney and Millthorpe.
In considering the opportunities for growth, the Strategy also looks at the opportunities available in the villages other than Blayney and Millthorpe, including:
- Carcoar
- Mandurama
- Lyndhurst
- Neville
- Newbridge
- Barry
The Strategy provides a framework for housing delivery which primarily will be implemented through changes to the Blayney Local Environmental Plan 2012 (BLEP 2012) and the Blayney Development Control Plan 2018 (Blayney DCP 2018). However, the Strategy will not control the housing market and Council will need to continue to work with local developers and land owners to ensure that a supply of land is available for residential development.
The Blayney Shire Council needs to plan for housing to support population growth and change within the Blayney Shire, including the potential demand for housing associated with major construction projects and spill over growth from the nearby regional centres of Orange and Blayney.
Demographic analysis indicates that while there has been modest growth in the Blayney Shire over the last 10 years (approximately 665 people), there has been significant inward migration into the Shire from a wide variety of locations. This, combined with escalating average rents, a downward trend in rental vacancy rates and an upward trend in sale prices of dwellings, indicates there is latent, or unmet, demand for new housing in the Shire.
In addition, it is also necessary to encourage housing which is suitable for an ageing population and which can alleviate housing affordability concerns.
In response, the Strategy identifies:
- urban residential land – opportunities for infill development and to better realise a full range of residential accommodation typologies currently permitted under the BLEP 2012 planning controls;
- future urban land – investigation areas for future urban residential land that will be critical in the delivery of housing in the very long term in both Blayney and Millthorpe; and
- growth of villages – provides for increased certainty and improved environmental outcomes in villages where reticulated sewer is unavailable by increasing the minimum lot size for new dwellings and monitoring growth of villages.
For more detailed information, including village zoning maps, download it here.
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Development Control Plan
Council at its 25 June 2018 meeting approved a new comprehensive DCP which commenced on 2 July 2018. This plan provides detailed planning and design guidelines to support the planning controls in the Local Environmental Plan.
The overarching aims of this DCP are:
- To implement and support the objectives of BLEP2012;
- To provide clear and concise development guidelines for various forms of development;
- To promote growth and development in the Blayney LGA and ensure it occurs in an orderly, environmentally friendly and sustainable manner; and
- To ensure positive planning outcomes are maximised for the benefit of the broader community.
The objectives of this DCP, relating to different types of development are included in the relevant parts of this Plan.
The DCP has the following Parts:
PART A: Introduction to the Blayney Shire Development Control Plan 2018
PART B: Notification/Advertising
PART C: Residential Development
PART D: Commercial, Community and Industrial Development
PART E: Other Land Uses
PART F: Subdivision
PART G: Environmental Management and Hazards
PART H: Heritage Conservation
For any development proposal you may need to address more than one Part of this DCP depending on what development is proposed and the types of ancillary (or supporting) development, the site
opportunities and constraints, and different notification and advertising requirements. You are encouraged to consult with Council for clarification as to which Parts or Sections in this DCP will apply to a particular development proposal.
To read the full plan, download it here.
For specific advice to your proposed development, email sketched plans and as much specific detail as possible regarding the land you are planning to develop to Council's Planning Department.
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Blayney Local Environmental Plan 2012 (BLEP2012)
Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) guide planning decisions for local government areas (LGAs). Through different zoning, permissible land uses, minimum lot sizes for subdivision, heritage items and heritage conservation areas and development controls. They provide the framework for the way land can be used. LEPs are the main planning tool to shape the future of communities and also ensure local development is done appropriately.
To read the full LEP, click here.
The NSW Government requires Council to prepare a Community Participation Plan (CPP), to set out how and when we engage with our community on the planning functions Council performs under the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act), which includes legislative reforms, plan making and making decisions on proposed development.
This CPP is designed to make public participation in planning clearer for the community and create a shared sense of purposes, direction and understanding of the need to manage growth and change, while preserving local character. It does this by setting out, in one place, how and when the community can participate in the planning system, our functions and different types of proposals.
To read the full plan, download it here.
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Local Strategic Planning Statement
Local Strategic Planning Statements are a pivotal tool for local strategic planning in NSW. They inform our local environmental plan and development control plan and give effect to the Central West and Orana Regional Plan 2036. This Statement will act as a unifying document, drawing together and summarising planning priorities identified through State, Regional and Local Strategic work.
This Statement builds on the community’s aspirations expressed in the Blayney Shire Community Strategic Plan 2018 – 2028 and is consistent with the NSW Government’s Central West and Orana Regional Plan 2036
This Statement identifies 6 Planning Priorities to achieve Council’s vision for Blayney Shire, along with actions and the means for monitoring and reporting.
To read the full statement, download it here.
Sub-Regional Rural and Industrial Land Use Strategy
From 2004 to 2008, the Blayney Shire, Cabonne and Orange City Councils collaborated with a consultant (GHD) to prepare the Sub-Regional Rural and Industrial Land Use Strategy ('Strategy'), 2008. The Strategy was adopted by Council (except for recommendations relating to minimum lot size) in 2010 and approved by the Department of Planning & Infrastructure in 2011.
This Strategy applies to all three (3) local government areas (Blayney, Cabonne & Orange) and relates to the rural and industrial areas of Blayney Shire. It provides land use recommendations for:
- Agriculture
- Industry
- Residential and rural subdivision
- Natural and scenic environment
- Heritage and culture
Final Strategy (July 2008) - Outlines the vision for rural and industrial development, the recommended growth management strategy and principles by which development should be assessed, determines areas that are suitable for future development, determines appropriate minimum lot sizes for an ancillary dwelling, provides an implementation process for the recommendations in this Strategy, and provides recommendations for future planning controls.
To read the final strategy, download it here.
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Blayney Shire Master Plan 2020
The purpose of the project was to prepare a forward looking strategy for both the wider Shire and centrally, for the town of Blayney itself; providing planning, design, economic and governance strategies that target economic opportunities to sustainably support Blayney Shire, and to reinvigorate and grow the Blayney town centre.
The primary goal of the Blayney 2020 Master Plan is to deliver strategies that enhance the economic viability, growth and marketability of Blayney, based on the findings of research into Blayney’s current economic situation, and its potential for future growth. These strategies aim to give Council the ability to plan for and respond to future economic opportunities, for realistic, sustainable growth. These strategic directions will variously help to deliver community infrastructure, a diverse mix of commercial and retail spaces, a variety of housing typologies and a safe and welcoming public domain for everyone to enjoy.
To read the full plan, download it here.
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North Blayney Industrial Lands Strategy
The North Blayney Industrial Lands Strategy explores the challenges that face Council and the community relating to the North Blayney Employment Lands (‘Study Area’). The key issue or guiding factor should be the Council and Community ‘Vision’ for the industrial area north of Blayney.
It is appropriate that regular ideas or proposals are put forward that challenge this ‘Vision’ and test it to ensure that the ‘Vision’ is still the desired land use strategy. However, we suggest that any departure from the historic long-held employment vision for North Blayney should only occur as part of a strong and detailed strategy, renewed ‘Vision’, with key stakeholder and community support, and over a time period that takes into account economic cycles and is not ‘reactionary’ to 4-5 year downturns.
Based on the outcomes of the stakeholder engagement there were good arguments put forward for both sides of the residential v’s industrial ‘visions’ for key sites.
The key recommendations can be distilled down into two (2) distinct ‘Visions’ for the area. Whilst there will always be moderate or intermediate options – the potential for and impact of land use conflicts between industrial/business uses and residential/community uses suggests that one option needs to have priority over the other in any chosen vision.
The way that the Study Area is arranged/located – it is very difficult to talk about isolating parts of the area for residential use and parts for industrial use as the industrial functions are spread across the entire area (as are many existing sensitive uses). The Trade Centre owner has submitted that there are many examples of residential uses being located alongside industrial uses and these interfaces can be appropriately managed – but most of these examples occur where the supply of land for both uses is extremely limited so the market is willing to allow poorer amenity for residential uses and/or greater restrictions on industrial uses as there are few other alternatives.
Key areas explored in the Strategy are:
- Trade Centre (Zone B5 Business Development)
- Hill Street Community & Residential Area (Zone B6 Enterprise Corridor)
- Former Abattoir (Zone IN1 General Industrial)
- Linfox / FCL Container Terminal (Zone IN2 Light Industrial)
To read the full plan, download it here.
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Regional Economic Development Strategy
Regional Economic Development Strategies articulate a framework for identifying actions crucial to achieving the regional vision. Projects listed within this strategy should therefore be viewed as example projects that have emerged from the initial application of the framework. Adoption of these projects would be subject to further evaluative processes.
The power of the strategy is its ability to be used on an ongoing basis to identify additional high value projects over time. By complementing existing funding processes, these strategies present new opportunities to strengthen and increase investment in regional development across NSW.
Importantly, the strategy should be viewed as the first stage of a process that will assist those with an interest in the economic development of the region, particularly councils, communities and local businesses, in planning their future economic activities. It provides a vehicle for engaging the community in a ‘conversation’ about regional needs and priorities, assists in bringing together key stakeholders and mobilising resources, and in so doing, can facilitate faster access to dedicated NSW Government funding, such as the Growing Local Economies Fund, as well helping to capitalise upon other economic opportunities.
To read the full strategy (which covers Orange, Blayney and Cabonne), click here.
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Blayney Floodplain Risk Management Study (2016)
Council needed to develop a Floodplain Risk Management Plan for Blayney to address the existing, future and continuing flood challenges, in accordance with the NSW Floodplain Development Manual (2005). The primary objective of the NSW Govt. Flood Prone Land Policy is to reduce the impact of flooding and flood liability of individual owners and occupiers of flood prone properties and to reduce the private and public losses as a result of flooding. At the same time the policy recognises the ad-hoc benefits from the occupation, use and development of flood prone lands.
To meet the requirements of the Manual, Council needs this Plan in order to:
- This Strategy, prepared by AgEconPlus on behalf of the region, was formed in collaboration with the Orange City, Blayney and Cabonne Shire Councils; key stakeholders and the broader regional community. This benefited from economic-analytical assistance from the NSW Government’s Centre for Economic and Regional Development (CERD).
- Reduce the flood hazard and risk to people and property in the existing community;
- Provide valuable flood intelligence to assist State Emergency Service (SES) in updating Local Flood Plans for the township;
- Protect, maintain and, where possible, enhance the river and floodplain environment, and
- Ensure flood management decisions integrate the social, economic and environmental considerations.
To read the full plan, click here.
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Last modified:
05 Jun 2024