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Development Control Plan

The Development Control Plan (DCP) supplements the Blayney Local Environmental Plan 2012 (BLEP2012) by providing more detailed controls relating to specific types of development. The controls included in this DCP should be taken into account during the design phase of development and will be taken into consideration by Council as part of the assessment of Development Applications. All controls are designed to aid the decision-making process and improve planning outcomes for the Blayney community. Together, BLEP2012 and this DCP form the land use planning framework for the Blayney LGA. This DCP applies to all land within the Blayney Local Government Area (LGA). This Plan is called the Blayney Shire Development Control Plan 2018 (DCP or Plan). The DCP has been prepared in accordance with Section 3.43 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203 (EP&A Act).

For any development proposal you may need to address more than one Part of this DCP depending on what development is proposed and the types of ancillary (or supporting) development, the site opportunities and constraints, and different notification and advertising requirements. You are encouraged to consult with Council for clarification as to which Parts or Sections in this DCP will apply to a particular development proposal.

The DCP was approved by Blayney Shire Council (Council) on the 25 June 2018 and came into operation on 2 July 2018.


Last modified: 11 Oct 2023