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Overview of the Planning Process

In this section:

Local Development
Regional Development
State Significant Development
Integrated Development
Designated Development


Local Development

Local development is the most common type of development in NSW, with projects ranging from home extensions to medium sized commercial, retail and industrial developments. A development is considered local development if:
  • a local environmental plan (LEP) or State environmental planning policy (SEPP) states that development consent is required before the development can take place; and
  • it is not considered to be either Regionally or State Significant Development.

Regional Development

A regional development needs to be notified and assessed by a council and then determined by the relevant Planning Panel - either a Sydney planning panel for applications within the Greater Sydney Region or the relevant Joint Regional Planning Panel outside of Sydney. Regional development is defined in Schedule 7 of the State Environmental Planning Policy (State and Regional Development) 2011 and includes:
  • development with a capital investment value (CIV) over $30 million
  • development with a CIV over $5 million which is:
    • council related
    • lodged by or on behalf of the Crown (State of NSW)
    • private infrastructure and community facilities
    • eco-tourist facilities.
  • extractive industries, waste facilities and marinas that are designated development
  • certain coastal subdivisions
  • development with a CIV between $10 million and $30 million which is referred to the Planning Panel by the applicant after 120 days

State Significant Development

State Significant Development is development involving major projects of State or Regional significance. Applications for State Significant Development are to be lodged with, assessed and determined by the Department of Planning and Environment.

Integrated Development

Integrated Development is development where licenses/approvals/permits are needed from specified State Government Agencies as well as requiring Council consent. These applications are referred to the relevant state body who will provide Council with terms and conditions for inclusion in any development consent. When lodging an application with Council you need to check if your development is likely to be integrated. Should your application be integrated development you need to lodge additional copies of the development application and documentation together with an additional fee for each State approval body. Council will forward these to the relevant State agency for its consideration.

Designated Development

Designated Development generally comprises projects which have been nominated for particular scrutiny due to potentially significant environmental concerns (such as mines or large piggeries). All Designated Development requires development consent before it can be carried out.  An Environmental Impact Statement must also be prepared and lodged by the applicant. 
Last modified: 23 Sep 2021