Plans, Strategies and Reporting
The Planning Process
To understand our Community's aspirations for the future and to plan Council's operations, asset maintenance and renewal programs and financing options to achieve these goals, Council has proactively engaged with the Blayney Shire Community to develop a Long Term Strategic Plan spanning a 10 year time-frame.
The approach adopted has been in accordance with the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) requirements of the Local Government Amendment (Planning and Reporting) Act 2009 and the Local Government General Amendment (Planning and Reporting Regulation) 2010.
This page includes the following plans and strategies:
Community Strategic Plan (CSP)
The Blayney Shire Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032 (CSP) is a community document with priorities and aspirations for the future of the Shire covering a period of at least 10 years. The CSP is developed by the community, endorsed by Council and must address civic leadership, social environmental and economic issues. The CSP forms an important reference point for State agencies preparing their plans and programs for our region.
Delivery Program and Operational Plan
Delivery Program
The Delivery Program forms part of a group of plans which will support our community’s strategic direction. Council’s planning framework is determined by the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) requirements of the Local Government Act 1993. The IP&R framework includes three levels of planning:
The first tier includes our Community Strategic Plan, which sets out the community’s goals and objectives for the next 10 years. It is a high level plan that focuses on key directions and outcomes rather than specific actions.
The Strategic Plan is supported by a Delivery Program and a Resourcing Strategy. These form the second tier of the planning framework. The Resourcing strategy looks at the finances, assets and human resources that will be required to deliver our long-term goals.
The Operational Plan sets out the activities to be undertaken each financial year to ensure achievement of the Delivery Program.
The Delivery Program sets a course of action to progressively achieve our goals and aspirations of the Community in four-year increments, that align with each of the 4 year terms of the Elected Council. The Delivery Program is the 'Councillors' Plan' where the actions to be achieved during their term of their period in office are identified and reported upon.
Operational Plan
Blayney Shire Council’s Operational Plan has been prepared in accordance with the Integrated Planning and Reporting Guidelines for local councils in NSW. The Plan is an integral part of Council’s planning framework and should be read in conjunction with our Delivery Program and Blayney’s Community Strategic Plan 2025 - All the pieces together The Operational Plan outlines Council’s planned activities and the financial resources required to implement these actions during the current Financial Year.
The Operational Plan contains three sections:
Section One - is a statement of our key objectives and strategies and the activities that Council will undertake towards achieving these goals in the current Financial Year. It also outlines the measures (LPIs) that will be used to determine our success in this regard and be reported upon quarterly and in the Annual Plan.
Section Two - contains Council’s Statement of Revenue Policy, in accordance with Clause 201 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005. This includes:
Section Three - includes a detailed budget for the current Financial Year.
The Operational Plan is reviewed and updated annually.
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Resourcing Strategy
The Resourcing Strategy informs the Delivery Program (DP) and annual Operational Plan (OP) by identifying the funding and resources needed by Council to implement the strategies set-out in the Community Strategic Plan and to maintain Council's assets and infrastructure. The Resourcing Strategy incorporate Council’s:
- Asset Management Strategy for the next ten years and associated Asset Management Plans;
- Workforce Management Plan, addressing issues of sourcing and retaining the workforce skills and capability needed over the next four years; and
- Long Term Financial Plan for the next ten years, addressing Council’s revenue streams, pricing policies, assumptions, risks and forecasts.
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Strategic Plans
The following strategic plans, which have been adopted by Council, provide direction for specific areas of Council.
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Town and Village Plans
These local level community plans are the primary source for the Blayney Shire Community Strategic Plan and contribute to the overall Community Engagement Strategy. These plans encapsulate the vision and aspirations of each of our individual villages and town communities of interest, with a range of projects and priorities that they view as important to their futures.
A list of community projects, aspirations and objectives are grouped into an overarching strategy and listed in order of collective priority as determined by the community forums.
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Master Plans and Designs
The following Master Plans and Schematic Designs have been adopted by Council.
In 2021/2022 Blayney Shire Council completed and endorsed Master Plans for the town of Blayney and the village of Millthorpe. Comprehensive feedback was received by residents within both communities and relevant government agencies to identify issues and possible solutions. This strategic master planning process looked at the needs and expectations of the local community, visitors, and businesses.
The upgrade to the intersection of Park and Victoria Streets in Millthorpe was raised as an important issue and the master plan also identified much needed improvements to pedestrian access around the Pym St, Vittoria St and Elliott St precincts as well as exploring improved parking options.
In Blayney Transport for NSW is implementing a reduced speed zone through Adelaide St to improve the safety of pedestrians and all users within the Main Street. Upgrades to railway lane and its connection to Adelaide Street was also identified as an important safety issue.
The Master Plans for Blayney and Millthorpe also contain many smaller projects recommending general improvements to landscaping and street infrastructure. In late 2022 Blayney Shire Council applied for funding to start progressing the planning and design for the identified projects and this will allow council to take advantage of future funding programs and start delivering the exciting range of improvements for these communities. View the adopted plans below.
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Council's Annual Report details achievement of objectives and targets as set out in the Operational Plan.
The End of
Term Report details Council’s achievements over the Council Term set out in the
Delivery Program.
Council also provides Quarterly Budget Reviews and Quarterly Reports in accordance with the IP&R planning process available in the Council Business Papers. for the months of November, February and May
Last modified:
12 Aug 2024